2024-06-28 (星期五)
恭喜!! 恭喜以下同學獲獎!
Honor Roll of Distinction (Scored in the top 1% worldwide)
2F 方 明
Honor Roll (Scored in the top 1%~5% worldwide)
1A 嚴進熙 1F 衞錞鋒 1A 方智彥 2C 蘇敬霖 2E 王慕璞 2F 李明德 P6 周思朗
Certificate of Achievement (Students in grade 6 or below with scores of 15 or above)
P6 周思朗 P6 夏 雪 P6 陳以樂 P6 周浩楠
School Certificate of Merit :
(Award to host centers whose top 3 performers have a total team score of 50 or above in the AMC8 )
Pui Ching Middle School
2023 美國數學比賽 (AMC10/12) American Mathematics Competition (AMC10/12)
(比賽日期: 2023年 11月15日 )
American Invitational Mathematics Examination - (AIME) Qualifier*
3C 陳曦悅 5F 鄭羽辛 6F 黃浩桐
*All students who took the AMC 12 and achieved a score of 100 or more out of a possible 150 or were in the top 5% are invited to take the AIME. All students who took the AMC 10 and had a score of 120 or more out of a possible 150, or were in the top 2.5% also qualify for the AIME.